Services & Prices
Services We Provide
Our Service Prices
Deep tissue/Swedish massage
90 minutes $109 | 60 minute $87 | 30 minute $72
Polarity/ Energy Work
$75 / over an hour | $60 / less than an hour
Certified Prenatal Massage
60 minutes $87
Certified Medical Massage
60 minutes $100 | 30 minutes $77
Medical Massage with Deep Tissue combo
90 minutes $125
Myofascial Release
60 minutes $87
TMJ release
(Temporomandibular and upper cervical balancing)
60 minutes $87
Chair Massage
12-15 minutes $27 then $2/minute
We take cash, check, and credit cards.
Paraffin Wax Dip - Great for dry and cracked hands due to over sanitizing.
$14.00 (or $10.00 added to another treatment)